Originally Posted by Annette
I have a thick skin, and I'm actually quite impressed how some of you have managed to put words in my mouth. Sombre was not banned for one post, nor for one private message. He was banned because he continually violated, and later indicated that he would not abide by, the terms of use we set forth for these boards. Apparently there are many of you who think, 1) we should have no rules or, 2) we should let Sombre have his own set of rules. I have absolutely no wish to hurt the community (what does our company stand to gain from that?), nor am I interested in any kind of power-play. But Shrapnel Games will not successfully run a company forum with either points 1 or 2 above in play.
Glad to see you continue to be deliberatly obtuse about one of the main questions. If he was "continually violating" your sacred rules, why didnt you follow your own sacred procedures? continually means overtime. i guess you just decided to make a special case for Sombre by permabanning him and not give him your three strikes rule. seems pretty darn hypocrtical to me. And if you use the other part of the rule that lets you permaban him instantly, well good job. you've made the community more harmonius. We aren't giving him his own special set of rules. you are. And you look stupid for it. We know by now that your ego's are too hurt to back down at this point, but maybe, just maybe, we can get you to admit you were a little overzealous.