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Old May 4th, 2010, 10:58 AM
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Default Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
Request a resend.

And yeah, he is banned. It looks like we will be creating all new games on some new forums [that will have to be created probably]. Dominions players are not welcomed on Shrapnel forums anymore, it seems.
Zeldor, I know you're friends with Sombre, Maerlande and some of the others who were banned in the aftermath of the Sombre Incident in the Night of the Long Knives thread, but please put things in perspective.

Dominions players are welcome on the Shrapnel forums and we would like to see as many of them here as possible. Participating on the forums does require adhering to the forum rules, however. Please refrain from trying to portray things as if Shrapnel wants to drive players away, because this is NOT what has been happening.

Being disruptive on a large scale or refusing to follow the rules will cause such users to be temporarily or permanently removed and unfortunately the past two days have seen several users (Sombre, Maerlande, Trumanator, Frozen Lama) permanently banned because they became disruptive on a large scale when the rules of the forum were enforced.

The actions of those people do not reflect on anyone else. Their removal from the forum does have a regrettable impact on the multiplayer games they are participating in, which does mean that game coordination may require either moving threads from here to somewhere else or having parallel threads somewhere else.
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