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Old May 4th, 2010, 01:58 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Dominions New Player MP Helpdesk

My post last night was... well, there was a little bit of hyperbole. Mostly designed to make a point to the shrapnel people. There are still people on the forums who give advice regularly other than the IRC crowd... thejeff, maxwilson, and chrispedersen should still be around, and are regular advice givers. And the IRC people will help out on IRC still. But no one else from this thread is terribly likely to be popping in to help anymore, and there are a good number of IRC regulars period who are not super happy.

While the helpdesk was running I did help a number of people, and was set to help more. I'm not sure how much the other members got hit up for advice, but we were able to do exactly what I intended to do with the helpdesk.
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