Re: Ban-a-thon
At the risk of being unpopular, I have always found that forum trolls are always of detriment to the community regardless of whatever contributions they make. They drive away new people and make others want to leave or not participate.
Any mods those guys made are contributions prior. They can still play--they just can't be nasty on the forums which is how it was explained.
If they want to get hot over spitting in the face of the mods after being offered a chance to return, that's fine. I'm sure there are other people who will be more than willing to take up the slack that was left from their departure, and perhaps with weeds pulled the community as a whole will be better off.
I don't have anything against any of them personally, nor do I know the event that caused the bans in the first place and I don't care. I have been on many forums and without qualification, trolls are always a negative force regardless of how much useful information may be stored within them. Anything within them can be found elsewhere.
I spent probably 30 minutes the other day responding to what I thought was a request for strategy assistance only to find that it was some dude trolling and trying to start fights by insulting anyone who tried to help in earnest for whatever purpose. That thread has been deleted. Forums are Dictatorships not Democracies. Rules are generalities not absolutes. Mods have discretionary power to do what they decide is best for the community in general.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu