Thread: Ban-a-thon
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Old May 4th, 2010, 08:33 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Ban-a-thon

Originally Posted by Zapmeister View Post
How does banning even work? If it's just based on the name, then its a trivial matter to re-register under a different one.

If its based on IP, most people don't have a static one. And if whole ranges of IPs are blocked, you're potentially banning innocents that use the same ISP.

That's why I'm convinced that Norfleet is still lurking around here somewhere ...
Shrapnel uses an IP block. Apparently it is not very hard to get around the block at all, should one so choose. No one banned has registered a new name so far as I'm aware, though, so I wouldn't go looking for any of them to be making any new posts.
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