Thread: Ban-a-thon
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Old May 4th, 2010, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: Ban-a-thon

Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
Maerlande - did not make mods, had a grudge against septimius and said some things about him in the past, definitely a troll, but the vast majority of this was of a subtle and/or harmless type. With regards to the deleted thread in question, I once again refute accusations of baiting people into arguments. I saw that thread, I posted in it, and you and peter ebesson were being just as abusive of him there as sombre ever has been, I am not kidding at all when I say this. The two of you got the already hostile IRC crowd riled up, and that's what got you hit. Sorry, but it was your own fault. *shrug*
I did not make any rude comments. I didn't say anything insulting except to reference the fact that the suggested strategy was not a good one. In the beginning, I suggested that rather cordially, but when he began trolling via insult, I responded more bluntly. Then the troll-posters proceeded to try to make fun of me for not understanding their inside info--I don't hang on IRC, so I have no idea what they're talking about. I pop on to look for strategy info, play with mods, and help out if people need something.

I don't come here for drama. If people want to talk about me on some IRC channel that's fine. People who make decisions about my character without reason are probably not going to like me anyway. That doesn't make me a bad person just to not be liked by some random Internet people. I'm sure there are plenty of fine people to talk to who have better manners.

As for the "Sombre wasn't offered a chance" defense, I believe, I can refer you to Annette's posting wherein she offered to let him stay provided he agreed not to continue his negative behavior and he refused to do so. I assume he was trying to leverage the fact that he's good at making mods to give him free reign to do as he pleased on the boards which is an invalid argument.

That being said, I'm not going to continue responding to this nonsense hereafter. I was not talking about the other two mentioned, only Sombre and Maerlund, though Tru was trolling in the aforesaid thread as well.

Thank you,


...and I'm not a mean person, but I do reserve the right to defend myself when attacked. Although, I do not do so through childish name calling and mockery, but through valid and hopefully profitable debate.
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