Eh? I was asking a technical question: How does whatever-they-do actually prevent banned people from using the forum?
rdonj said they use an IP block, but if that means just blocking a single IP, thats never going to be effective in our DHCP world.
Hi Zapmeister:
Actually our bans work on a couple of levels. Still there are always ways around any ban. The biggest detriment to the banned individual is that they can no longer use their username on the forums.
We haven't had to ban that many individuals, and most just don't come back, but every once in a while we have those trying to come back on with a new identity. We usually catch them in registration or not long after. Most people find it hard to change their ways and you can usually tell when someone has returned. And if they do return, change their ways, follow the rules, and play nice, well usually that is all we wanted from them from the beginning...
Hope that helps.