Thread: Ban-a-thon
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Old May 5th, 2010, 05:39 AM
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Default Re: Ban-a-thon

Originally Posted by Quitti View Post
Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X View Post
Its amazing how all the wanne-bees jump to the troublemakers side. Rules are rules and i have no idea how anyone could claim "i dont buy shrapnel anymore" when all they did was was enforcing the rules which everyone agreed to when registering and using the board anyway. I can the punishment was obviously harsh, but it was their choice no matter what.
The point is that what the other community saw as injustice, namely, Sombre cussing or somesuch occasionally, making angry posts, never getting any public reprimand for it and then BAM permaban out of nowhere due replying that he does not care about the 10pt infraction he got. I'm certain that the situation is more complicated than that, but that's what it certainly looks like to most. Like one person on IRC said, it looks like the general idea of sombres ban was that not caring about a punishment (the 10pt infraction thing) permits a permaban.

Now, I don't agree with Shrapnels policy of banning him, but I recognize that this is their forum, and we must abide by their rules. Some people made good points in the night of long knives -thread, like that the rules say that generally you get three temp bans before a permanent one. The modding community has really lost important people due all this crap hitting the fan, like Sombre and Burnsaber, and the community as whole has lost a lot due people leaving in disgust due to Shrapnels take on this whole situation.

Juffos, we're all sombre due the situation, aren't we?
I dont know about this.
One guy is constantly bending the rules for a long time and everybody knows it, even he himself likely did.
At some he goes to far and then he is surprised when he gets a harsh punishment at some point ? You gotte be kidding me.
I dont think shrapnel has to warn someone 3 or 10 times. They can warn once, and thats it then. If you drive a car under alcohol, you dont get warned for that once before you get taken care of your licence. There are rules for a reason. Thats my opinion.
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