Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X
I dont know about this.
One guy is constantly bending the rules for a long time and everybody knows it, even he himself likely did.
At some he goes to far and then he is surprised when he gets a harsh punishment at some point ? You gotte be kidding me.
I dont think shrapnel has to warn someone 3 or 10 times. They can warn once, and thats it then. If you drive a car under alcohol, you dont get warned for that once before you get taken care of your licence. There are rules for a reason. Thats my opinion.
Well, to be honest, drunk driving and forum trolling don't really compare well against each other. You don't get punished harshly by shouting random obscenities on the street, mayhaps get a fine for disturbing public peace, possibly get a night in the jail to cool your head off. This is in the western countries of course, from what I've observed. No idea what kind of death penalty that would warrant in more totalitarian countries of course.
Like I stated in the other thread, I agree that Sombre has been an ***, and probably won't stop, but I don't mind. What he does FOR the community outweights well more what he's doing "against" the "harmonious" workings of it. Also, he was not surprised from what I gather, he didn't care. Other people did.