Thread: Ban-a-thon
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Old May 5th, 2010, 07:26 AM
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Default Re: Ban-a-thon

Originally Posted by Foodstamp View Post
Real law doesn't apply to forums. A better comparison would be a game with rules, say like golf.
That analogue's no better than the real life analogue, and I was only responding to the other person's "but if you talk against rules in real life you get punished!" line. And why would I say it's no better? Because these are forums for a game, not the game itself. And as you know, you can have any number of forums, official or unofficial. Golf has its own mechanics, its own rules, as does Dominions 3. The analogue works between games, but not between a forum and a game.

People can just pack up and leave a forum if they feel that they've been wronged. You can't do that quite as easily with a game, be it a professional one like golf or Dominions 3.