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Old May 5th, 2010, 04:23 PM

Tonno Tonno is offline
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Default Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 17/17. AI Creation Phase.

So as a alternative I will be some kind of a spectator for my team,but how will I be able to come to game if i do not play with nation...?

And one more problem,as a possible replacement for some player,I think that is a terrible idea,I play well against pc and my 4 friends (I do not have 4 friends,I have more ) that played Dom3 with me...
So if I ever get in as a substitute,I will just follow orders...

And no offense,I think mitacal,ermor and shinuyama still sucks,good player of abysya or pangena can take them down with no problems...(my opinion)
Septimius u play with argatah-are thay like the weekest in mid age...?
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