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Old May 5th, 2010, 06:05 PM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default Re: company of heroes

Ich, Yes, it' Bogus and Co.

Succubus will act, but I don't know what success rate I can expect for. Against Bogus heroes, if succubus will not be able to to seduce, I don't think he has a good chance of survival. And game has trade profibited, so getting a mage with alternative paths from Bogus company is really benefitial. so the goal is not to get rid of company of heroes, but to get them. So killing them is not the best idea.

The question is - I can either send several blood 3 mages for hellbinding (maybe with penetration+2 items, but it will not be easy for me to do them), or send succubus. I'm trying to ask - whet are succubuses chances on suduction of them, and how many casts of hellbind I should plan for each hero when planning amount of hellbinders?
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