Hinnom has potentially 12 "uber" SCs, the 6 grigoris and their 6 children. The children are unique heroes with stats of a titan pretender and nice magic power as well. The most awesome thing is that those sons of Grigori can have heroic ability despite the fact they are unique.
Melquart are powerful thug (or light Scs

). Some of them can teleport. Ba'al could be used as light Scs as well but I prefer to use them as battlemage to cast flame from the sky, earthquake, army of lead and spam petrify on Scs.
Because I played a nation that everyone consider unbalanced, my strategy was to not draw attention on me while keeping close to the leading nation. The longer the game last, the more powerful Hinnom become. I relied on luck scale to get powerful scs at the start and managed to get 2 grigoris' sons before turn 10. With trades agreement (thanks to Hellheim and Arco

), I fully equiped them with magical items
On the SCs issue I had at the end the 6 grigoris (some powered by a wish spell) and 4 sons of grigori as main Scs. I had a dozen of melquarts designed as raiders or tartarian killers and a dozen ba'al as battlemage. Hinnom signed a pact with all demon lords as well as a few devils and for diversification I had a tart factory running (but without the chalice or GoF it wasn't very effective...)
After Sauro's fall my strategy was to either ally with Hellheim against Caelum or declare war on Hellheim while Caelum was busy elsewhere

. I wanted to defeat Hellheim with a domkill. I started slowly and as soon as he would have seen the trick, I would have equipped all my sacrificers with a jade dagger and started to wish for more candles on the map. And this was how I plan to win the game as well: by turtling while spreading my dom.
Well thanks everyone for this long game I really enjoyed it and see you on another game.