Re: Viscious Circle 3
Ok, that looks like an official we're done, since Hinnom finally weighed in.
I have a mere 5-6 kitted tarts I think. Plus some random spellcasting tarts and a couple monstrum that came as commanders. However, I'm summoning between 2-4 tarts per turn - my limiting factor is definitely nature gems. I wasn't planning on relying as tarts for SCs in general (although raiding is definitely a possibility, but EKs also do that well).
I have ~12 un-GoRed Monstrums, which make a pretty convincing hit squad when Weapons of Sharpness is dropped on them and Army of Gold is cast (both trivial to accomplish)
I have a several dozen EKs fully kitted (I think the actual number is over 50), plus another dozen or so anti-demon/undead kitted EKs equipped to quickly eliminate tarts and uber-demon threats. (pretty minimal gear: Boots of Quickness + appropriate weapon + a useful armor to reduce fatigue accrual) These are all easily cloud trapezed at a moment's notice with my 500+ air gems that I've been stockpiling.
Full kit includes a flamebrand, shield of gleaming gold, silver hauberk, horror helm, boots of quickness, AMA and luck pendant. (They're also sacred and i have an E9N4S4 bless)
I have somewhere in the ballpark of 70-90 clams and am producing 2/trn every turn. I also have some number of bloodstones and am producing a little less than 1/trn.
I can drop about a dozen penetration +5 mindhunts at a moment's notice, in case anyone tries to raid me with non-astral combatants. Producing more is trivial - i could easily scale up to around 20 in a turn.
I have all 6 of my national summon uniques + a QoA.
I have quite a few Yazatas, and can summon vast numbers at a moment's notice. (Easily a couple hundred if i needed them).
I only use thunderstrike when I know my opponent is not prepared against it. It is hardly the most effective weapon in my arsenal.
I have around a dozen liches, most with staves and boots of flying. (4 of them are my tart summoners)
I have a Conj 20 site, and an Ench 30 site.
I have pretty easy access to E5, W5, A6+, S5+, and D7. I have limited access to F5 and N5. Almost all of this is teleportable or cloud trapezeable.
I have about a dozen stone spheres (mostly produced recently) with which i've been scanning the globe over the last 5-10 turns to see what the situation looks like.
If it wasn't for the chalice tug of war I was thinking about overcasting AN with a 999 gem investment, but I kept having to blow S on wishing for the chalice =p
So my endgame strategy was to (1) figure out who I'm at war with next, (2) figure out where they're vulnerable, (3) Use my capability to rapidly redeploy in order to sequentially eliminate all relevant assets with overwhelming force.
If both Hinnom and Helheim came after me, I was planning on killing Helheim first while dispatching whatever raiders Hinnom fielded. I was sort of hoping one of Helheim and Hinnom would go after the other, and I could hop in on the side of the losing participant (and this looks like it had a 50% shot of happening, based on Hinnom's comments). The Grigori sort of worry me, but I'd have to see them in action (something I have thus far managed to fail at doing).
But really, i didn't want to have to actually micro all that. I'm not joking when I say that I was seriously considering 1-turn 80-province air drops wherein the occasional fully geared EK was an acceptable loss.