i assigned quickly the provinces so i can beta test the map before going to far..
but i don't understand something..
i defined 10 #start in the .map file, but i'm allowed to create a new game on it only with 5 players or else dominion crash with a message "can't find a valid starting province"
any clues?
and if i try to import it into the map editor by ballbarian, it says my image is not valid.. is it because of the large dimensions of the TGA ?
still a lot work to do:
- drawing the borders better with illustrator
- inserting some magic sites in the editor and visually on the map
- working the water provinces
- adjusting some borders
- i'm sure i miss some provinces connections..
- add some small rivers
- add some bridges (?)
- the east part of the southern continent is a little bit blank
- last finitions on the drawing of the map..
it would be great to have your advices/comments
the best would be if any of you would like to play a solo game on this beta version and tell me if there is any error / things to change..