Thread: Dominions rant
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Old May 7th, 2010, 04:17 AM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: Dominions rant

Originally Posted by ghoul31 View Post
I hate it when people complain about all the micromanagement at the end game. If you didn't want to micromanage an endgame, then you never should have played in the first place.
Well, one might not realise how much micro is entailed until entering one's first MP endgame. I know I won't go into large games anymore because of that but stick to fewer players games, but wish I had known beforehand.

I hate that a water nation only has to defeat one opponent usually, then he can take over half the map uncontested. I think that the lack of gem sites in the water provinces evened this out. But the cbm gives the water provinces very rich gem sites.
I hate water nations.

I hate it when all the small nations fight each other, instead of joining forces to fight the one giant nation, until its much too late
I hate it when you're the big nation in the early game and get ganged upon by all other players.

I hate it when I join a random game, and get stuck with a really weak nation.
I hate it when I have to create 12 different pretenders for a random nation before finding one that might work, after considering the most improbable choices.
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