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Old May 7th, 2010, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 13/17. AI Creation Phase.

Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd View Post
when did I mention your name specifically Wrana? what's with this sudden personal attack?

honestly, you either don't understand, or choose to ignore what is presented to you, but I certainly don't see how this decision was either sudden of childish. don't feel the need to repeat myself specifically for you, reread my posts if you wish, also scroll back further to see other posts by other people...
If you don't think that dropping out of the game without warning 2 days before start is sudden... well, maybe it's you who should reread your posts.
As for what you mentioned it were "many posts by people who want to start it soon". Mine (actually, 2 I think) was certainly from this category. If you meant "posts by players X and Y from team Z", you probably should say so, nes pa? And if you think that the game could start before all positions were filled (and I, e.g. took a vacant leutenant position for my team) - how I should call this if not childish? It's children who want something without caring for whether it's currently possible or no... :
No, I didn't even start any personal attack...
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