Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 13/17. Blood Team Avail.
I am glad to see that people are still interested in playing.
Lets keep this thread positive and constructive.
If everyone wants to start playing on schedule, we have two viable options failing replacment humans. I am not going to get into map changing, start placements, VP recalibration, magic location redistribution, etc. I spent tons of time on the 4 four magic location AI alone.
1. The Sanguinarium nations under AI control is fine.
Having the Sangiunarium under AI control would probably not, in my opinion really unbalance things terribly. They'd be located in one of the corners like the other teams. They be subject to the attack of Gandalf's masterful AI just like the human teams (Gandalf's AI is between all teams). True two teams would be closer to them than the third team, what does that imply? That the closer teams would have a better chance at their territory any more than with a human team in that spot? That the closer teams would be under attack anymore than if a human team was there? The VPs could be removed for those caps if needed.
2. Alternatively we could just drop the sangiunarium team altogther and maybe even remove the VPs from those capitals. The merc would be able to get there before any of us could and would be able to play around with and expand in their stead.
Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).