Wrana, 13lackGu4rd, please be civil. There is no need for pointless hostility and insults.
This whole NaVII fiasco is generating entirely too many reports in the moderator forums. What this means is that right now I'm telling the lot of you how this thing goes forward:
- If any more sniping around this issue results in reports, all NaVII threads will be locked.
- Any attempts to resurrect the game in other threads will be locked
- The people involved in the sniping will get appropriate infractions
- You will get this game under way and you will make sure that there will be no more need for moderator involvement.
- If a need for moderator involvement arises, goto 1.
Septimius Severus, the following applies to you:
You will refrain from posting long involved complex game setups like this in the future because
- They seem to generate a significantly undue amount of work for moderators
- They seem to spawn threads all over the forum that amount only to advertise the specific game
- They cause all kinds of frustration in other forum users, which are liable to generate bad repercussions on the forums
- Spending weeks setting up what is supposed to be a simple, quick (relatively speaking, since Dom3 games take time) game is liable to drive people off.
- The previous item is especially applicable to new users, who might be turned off the game entirely. This is something that is HIGHLY undesirable.
The bottom line is that organizing a Dominions 3 game is not difficult. Just keep it simple. There is NO point in making it needlessly bureaucratic, complex and tedious. If you absolutely must do so, organize it elsewhere.
If you have a problem with these guidelines, do not argue them with me. Talk to another Dominions 3 moderator or to an administrator in that case.