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Old May 7th, 2010, 05:24 PM

Jorus Jorus is offline
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Default Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. 13/17. Blood Team Avail.


I feel like I've been dropped in some sort of dimension dominated by juveniles. Between General Edi's edicts and these last minute drops I don't feel this forum is for adults.

If it was, we'd be treated as adults - don't tell us what sort of games we can play and show us some sort of respect by stasnding by your commitments.

For it's complexity I think it was moving along well. I am a newbie and appreciate the fact that I can discuss strategies with team members and learn the game. Anybody could see BEFORE joining that this was going to be complex and take some time to get started.

SS did a lot of work and does he get thanks? No, just crap. I know the spamming etc. annoyed some people, but it was easy to stop and/or ignore. Get over it.

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