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Old May 9th, 2010, 09:29 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: LA Aran Vanilla HELP BUG IN GAME

Ok... both carpetbagger and Pangeae went AI, despite the fact that we have a good volunteer to play bogarus..

I can't say how much I view this situation poorly. At this point, we have several options.

We can continue the game as is.
We can rollback the game one turn, and let SciencePro take over the Bogarus position.
We can vote to end the game.

I personally prefer #2 - but let me know what you think.

I'm delaying the game 24 hours for people to make a comment.

PS: when carpetbagger posted the password in open source.. I changed the administrative password, to prevent anyone from force hosting, etc.

I have no objection to passing the password on to someone else if someone feels strongly about it.
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