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Old May 10th, 2010, 05:41 AM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Worthwhile summons (early to mid)

this question is not so easily answered as the others here have. the answer to your question is very situational. the main determining factos are:
- magic access(from national mages and lucky indies you found)
- gem income
- your enemies
- value of your mage time
- urgency of early research goals

most of these factors are subjective, hence experience is your best guide. but even without much experience you can evaluate your situation(even if slightly mistaken). generally though, when considering summoned troops you need to aim at the cheapest(both in gems and mage turns) summons that fills gaps in your national armies or counters what the enemy throws at you.

anyway, I assume that you'll still seek actual summon names, so the above posters gave you some good options, just consider which to use according to these guidelines I've written above.
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