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Old May 12th, 2010, 04:45 AM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: Worthwhile summons (early to mid)

I have a new found respect for Sea Kings Court now that gem generators have been banned. In a MP game I am in at the moment I put up a early Maelstrom and started summoning a Sea King every other turn. You quickly build up a lot of Sea King thugs which with built in regeneration and amphibious are rather excellent (better than water queens) with the right (and cheap equipment), also the water gems start rapidly building up. The trolls summoned with them simply put right upfront of your armies to absorb all the damage a enemy dishs out in the first few rounds. They are useful damage absobers and your happy to see them die so you don't after pay there upkeep. Very useful for taking out water nations as well, when supported by shark attack, friendly currents, water ward, wave breaker and quickening.
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