Originally Posted by Rytek
Amazing fight at your fortress. I can't recall ever watching a closer one. I think the only reason why my forces didnt route before yours was the 60 point and 40 point standard on my prophet and last remaining thug.
Watching your fully buffed immortal hero hold the gate was truly a treat. I openened the battle before looking at the summary, so I did not know the fate of the attack. Watching it, even right to the end I thought I had lost.
Truly an incredible job on your part. And like I said, I think the only reason I didnt route first were the 2 hero abilities with their outrageous standard boosting morale of the last remaining troops thru the roof.
Thanks. I had to use every last gem that I had for that battle. I wasn't expecting to win that battle, I was just hoping to weaken you as much as possible to help give jotunheim a chance. I was expecting this too be my immortal heros last heroic stand. Though I did expect him to get killed from being entagled in a vine shield and not from sleep gas. In watching it again I was surprised to find a killed all four of your melee thugs.
It was definatly the most exciting DOnminions battle I remember. Both sides had a wide mix of troops, regular summons, battle magic, melee thugs, and ranged thugs. It was very cauotic, and could have turned out in so many different ways. It is the way Dominions is supposed to be.