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Old May 13th, 2010, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
It looks like we can congratulate Man on victory soon. It was obvious from the beginning that this game is about pure luck. And well, Man had most of it. Awake SC and first in research? Getting adepts of golden order? Getting so many good gold events? And how many commanders do you have? 100+? You managed to kill TC and own my army without any problem. I had to try and stop you and I knew chances are slim. Maybe others can try later too, but I'd say we can call game over, as I can compare what you have to what others can bring.

So - I make official request for a vote - surrender to Man and start new game. Nah, I'm serious, really.
I vote no. I am far from being in a dominant position.

I killed TC because he split his army; He could have come at me with his entire forces as I set up an ambush next to his capitol. He attacked only with his army and god. I boosted my pd and had a few surprises waiting for him that im sure he wasnt expecting. But, he could have sallied out with some of his mages from his capitol and killed the ambush. I didnt beat him because of my overpowering forces. The fight at his capitol could have gone either way. If he had put an amulet of MR on his immortal hero he most likely would have won the fight.

Your army died in a similar manner. You split your army and I guessed correctly and killed the bigger half of it using every single guy i had. That fight would have been alot closer if you hadnt split your army and pumped up some pd.

The fact remains you still have the most VP. And your armies continue to swell from death and blood summons.

I think the game is far from being over.
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