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Old May 13th, 2010, 10:02 PM

krpeters krpeters is offline
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Default Re: Worthwhile summons (early to mid)

Originally Posted by Baalz View Post
Sure, these are all situational uses, which is kinda the point. You're gonna find most summons are not very cost effective to just summon and use as line troops, but they bring a wide variety of abilities to the table that give you tools to handle situations when your line troops aren't cutting it.
In an oblique way, we're in complete agreement. I was answering the question of how useful summons are generically -- as a mass of front line troops. And the answer is, not very, unless you have high gems/low gold.

In unique/special situations they can become extremely useful, but which ones for which situations would be the answer to a different sort of question than what the OP asked.
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