Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Also note as listed in post 78 or so, their are only 6 VP locations... one on the isle and 5 in water. And as stated in post 78 or so this is to provide a challenge and make water more required.
Very well, the provinces are:
105 & 101
The former (105), held last turn and this turn (2 points), the latter (101) held this turn (1 point).
Also, I missed a turn of phrase, perhaps it's regional thing, but what does "no tickee, no washee" mean?
Oh, and for the record, I wasn't trying to be deliberately contrary. Spy information is one of the most valuable commodities in games like this, so I prefer to keep secret those things which I consider valuable information. As I had saw no reason to reveal the province numbers (as the current number of vps can be identified on the score graphs) other than to provide people without said information with a means by which to locate and attack/observe and since said requirement was not stated anywhere in the original contract and only in your more recent post, I decided that discretion would be more appropriate. However, since you have stated that the deliberate intention of the province number revelation is to encourage attacks and not for any other reason, I shall have to accept that since I apparently have no ability to control it.
I will, however, state that I politely disagree with this necessity as I always prefer conditions which favor secrecy. I feel it adds a lovely note of risk to the whole thing when you randomly pop in to a province, not knowing what is there or have to send a spy to observe goings on in a far-away land... Revelation is less interesting.