Thread: Countdown
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Old May 14th, 2010, 10:07 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Countdown - ***Started***

yeah, in retrospect, I really do wish that I had stuck with arena. The object really was everyone fighting over equidistant and centrally located vp.

When I acceded to the change in maps, the implications for game play didn't hit me.

I was also surprised that *noone* made an early play for vp.
Would have been perfect for caelum.

As for 'no tickee no washee' I'm told that it comes from early on when you sent your wash to a washer - you were issued a ticket. To get your clothes back - you had to present your ticket. No tickee.. no washee.

And usually I agree with you Ver, about the importance of secret information. Its just not the format of this game. Sorry!
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