Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I definitely agree that the bidding is a huge plus and an important component of the concept. What I was trying to say is that the bidding should be kept, but the starting bids should perhaps be spread out a little more. I love that it encourages all the lesser-played races as I'm always a fan of the underdog (despite playing Niefel this time).
I also think this could branch into two different concepts:
1) A bidding mechanic that keeps the games organic and relatively fresh
2) A set handicap mechanic that can be kind of an extension of the Endgame Diversity & CBM concept to further encourage lesser-used race play.
This is also inspiration for a Gimp game I may want to start once I'm done moving this month. All the races on the bottom of the HoF duking it out. Probably already been done, but still seems fun.