Originally Posted by Stagger Lee
Originally Posted by Septimius Severus
I see that Stagger has opened up another thread for our game on Sombre's forums (haven't been looking at it (the other forums) much).
Not Sombre's forum, SS, a forum for people who just like to play this game. And you are welcome to join, post, and recruit without restrictions. Others are free to join your games or criticize your behavior as they please. It may sound a little rough, but it's working quite well.
Come on by. And any level of player is welcome. Just try to bring a sense of humor, too.
Good luck with your game.
If I visit, I will need a sense of humor, that much is true.

Every one is entitled to their opinion of course, but I do think people should be civil in debate and though we may have disagreements, we should always try be as friendly as possible towards one another. I say mend fences, but if you can't/won't do that, then why hold grudges? That gets us nowhere as a community or as people. Frankly, I did not think I was considered important enough to have my own critique thread. I don't think we have another Overlords situation on our hands though, but it remains to be seen how the merc idea will work out.
I do think people ought to be able to organize/join simple games, complex games, vanilla or modded, PBEM or Direct Connect, etc, as they please, in an environment which is conducive to that freedom and that right. I had always considered the forums here to be that place, and I hope it will remain so.
I've a question for Gandalf since I am relatively new to direct connect myself, Gandalf, what are the boxes [-] next to certain nations I see when connecting. They don't seem to have to do with turn submission status (since I seem to have noticed them for nations with completed turns and uncompleted turns). Am I wrong and they are related to turn submission status or do they have to do with who is currently connected?