Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.
As for Bogarus and the Kalendologists:
Kalendologists are pretty good fortune tellers and cheap, but this does not in anyway indicate that they should be massed as researchers since the Master of Names is far better. The way I see them is to say that they can create a formidable Soul Slay or Enslave Mind communion given their incredible cheapness (90 gold) and the fact that they have 2S basic. Throw POTS with a Kalendologist Communion Master and have someone along with a Banner of the Northern Star (or just cast the spell), and you have a (with just POTS): Soul Slay communion, or with POTS+LOTNS, an Enslave Mind communion. Snazzy.
Unfortunately for the Kalendologist, they have a disadvantage to their blue-robed cousin the Astrapelagist who can:
Summon Simargl Patrols
Cloud Trapeze
Commune to Thunderstrike OR Soul Slay
Astrapelagists also have a better buff array in their communion especially if you have a nice 2/8 which gives you twice as many scripted buffs twice as fast and Thunder strikes for up to 50/4 with +1 (POTS to cast TS), and then +3 bonus for communion size, and +1 again for storm power for 12.5 fatigue Thunderstrikes notwithstanding the fact that you also get 2 masters with 6A5S. You can still POTS/LOTNS to get Soul Slay for 20/3 (7 fatigue), but no Enslave mind.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
Last edited by Verjigorm; May 21st, 2010 at 08:38 PM..