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.com.unity Forums - View Single Post - Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 06:53 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.

Originally Posted by Verjigorm View Post
It's not the barbarian attacks. PD of 15+ will generally defeat any barbarian attack that you get at Misfortune-2.

The problem is taking Misfortune-3 which gives you Knight parties (like the ones that quest for the Chalice) that appear in a province at random and then expand to adjacent provinces if you don't go kill them. These generally cannot be defeated by any sane PD level.
Um.. are you playing the same game as the rest of us? Or are you just trolling the thread?

There are no knights who go questing for the chalice. There's no code connected to the chalice to cause such a thing (confirmed by lch). This is nothing but flavor text on the Chalice description - there is no substance.

Small numbers of barbs require Mf1 to trigger.

Knight attack requires Mf2 to trigger. Its ~30 militia and knights. They do not go invading other provinces - they work exactly like all other independents.

large numbers of barbs (~100) require Mf3 to trigger.

When i said your opponents luck acts like misfortune for you, i meant it has the scale effects thereby. (Ie, increases % negative events instead of positive). I don't know if your opponent's luck acts like misfortune for threshhold effects (required to trigger event X), but then, I don't know your opponent's misfortune works like misfortune for threshhold effects either. It would not surprise me if the checks for threshhold effects are entirely separate from the % good/bad effect check in the code, and so it may treat it differently in either case, or may even ignore the scale for threshhold effects if its outside your dominion. I simply don't know, but I wasn't trying to make a claim about threshhold effects.

In terms of the turn you capture a province, events are generated before army movement, so if you get attacked by barbs after invading your opponent's province, that event was generated for your opponent.
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