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Old May 22nd, 2010, 08:38 AM

Jorus Jorus is offline
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Default Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)

Is it war?

Caelum's peaceful local reserve units have successfully repelled a totally unprovoked sneak attack by the slimy lizards of Ctis in Validun. There have been reports of massive troop build-ups across the border, has another Ctis commander jumped the gun because of nerves?
The people of of Caelum call upon all peace-loving peoples of the world ((This means you, Helheim!) to unite against these aggressive inhuman monsters from the slimepits of Ctis.
Unles Ctis repents, of course.


I will not be able to make further moves until 2200 EST Sunday. Please put on hold if necessary, Ctis. Uh-oh....
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