Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.
Bleh... I appear to have lost all reading comprehension and completely misread your (squirrel's) post... significant editing...
I'll generate a turn file for you...
Turn file ready. Look at T'ien Chi this turn and then step it forward and watch the location of the future knight attacks--they always seem to occur in provinces adjacent to the original attack.
The knight attacks do appear move from the original province to adjacent ones or at least they appear to do so by some extremely unlikely coincidence in multiple games. Though it appears to take several turns. This may mean that if you have a Knight attack in a given province and then get a bad event in a province adjacent to it that there is a surety or at least increased likelihood that that province will also be invaded by knights.
As for the Chalice attack, I had always wondered why I was never actually attacked while using it, but I thought that it might be because I was careful to put the chalice back in the lab when not in use. ^_^
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
Last edited by Verjigorm; May 22nd, 2010 at 10:01 AM..