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Old May 22nd, 2010, 10:01 AM

ErikM ErikM is offline
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Default Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)

Originally Posted by Jorus View Post
Is it war?

Caelum's peaceful local reserve units have successfully repelled a totally unprovoked sneak attack by the slimy lizards of Ctis in Validun.
Translated from propaganda:
A commander wandered across the border, said "boo", and walked back upon seeing that the province was in fact inhabited. (He was at the back of the battlefield and scripted Retreat to check if you had bothered putting PD, since I didn't see any units present.) "Repelled", my fragrant french butt. If that's a glorious victory you should be a walkover.

Originally Posted by Jorus View Post
There have been reports of massive troop build-ups across the border, has another Ctis commander jumped the gun because of nerves?
Ctis confirms the reports and would like to state for the record that the troops are:
3rd Serpent Dancers
10th, 15th and 32nd Elite Warriors
31st Longdead Horsemen
44th Lamia Irregulars

(Numbers made up based mostly on how new they are.)

Originally Posted by Jorus View Post
The people of of Caelum call upon all peace-loving peoples of the world ((This means you, Helheim!) to unite against these aggressive inhuman monsters from the slimepits of Ctis.
The people of Ctis are peace-loving as evidenced by the fact that they have only cast profitable, defensive spells such as Gift of Health, and not, for example, Burden of Time. (It would have been surprisingly easy considering that I not only get D3?1 mages with Skull Staff, but I've also forged the Skull Face helm and Sceptre of Dark Regency weapon.)

However, we warn any and all would-be invaders that our mages are ready to cast Foul Vapors on enemy armies at a moment's notice, and can get there at the same notice thanks to Obscuro forging Winged Shoes for quite a lot of them.

Originally Posted by Jorus View Post
I will not be able to make further moves until 2200 EST Sunday. Please put on hold if necessary, Ctis. Uh-oh....
Noted. Once this turn resolves I'll figure out how much I need to delay the next one.

And I think the Corporal title is based on you reaching 50 posts.
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