Originally Posted by ErikM
Postponement set with a bit of margin because I repeatedly miscalculated where EST was.
No problem, 10 EST is 0400 CET and 0200 GMT. In the future, which would you prefer?
Originally Posted by ErikM
(Also stop complaining about the attacks, I asked if you wanted to extend our NAP and you said no.  )
Well, well ... it looks like we hit a nerve. What's the matter, Lizard Lad, the reality of your actions don't match your pure self-image?

Can't take a little bad press??

A few data points;
1. I am not complaining, just announcing.
2. I made a counterproposal concerning the NAP, to which you never responded. Strictly (contractually) speaking we still have a NAP.
3. an attack made without a Declaration of War is a SNEAK attack
4. and finally, even if a NAP expires it doesn't mean you HAVE to immediately attack each other (which I believe I mentioned in my proposal).
Anyhow, no problems here

, but the press will publish unfettered by the dictates of tyrants!