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Old May 24th, 2010, 04:40 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running

I have honored all of my contracts to date. If militarist (or ashod) says we had an NAP with him then he is mistaken. In fact, until recently we did not even share a border. Perhaps they overlooked the fact that they had a new neighbor.

So I consider all of my current deals valid . Mr Mictlan, I consider you to be the true threat to world piece, having discovered the secrets of ancient artifacts no doubt. So your cancellation of our NAP was expected and is noted.

@ militarist: You seem to think we had some kind of deal in place, perhaps you are thinking of our discussions to make war on ermor? Nothing ever came of that and there was never any talk of NAP, alliance or in fact any kind of deal. I was just trying to convince you to attack my enemy, and you never did anyways.

I know it hurts to lose so many provinces in one turn, but you gotta have some pd man, that's happened to me before too, more than once
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