Originally Posted by ErikM
Originally Posted by Jorus
All Quiet on the Western Front, as Ctis contemplates his future or lack of one. 
I'd bet on the former. After all, I just used the income from Mother Oak to summon a Couatl (S3N3), have him forge a Starshine Skullcap, and cast Mind Hunt at you. 
Waste of gems/time - it only works on weak-minded commanders. None here.
Originally Posted by ErikM
Originally Posted by Jorus
FYI, it was not me who launched the hurricane, but thanks anyhow for the locusts.
Somehow I have trouble believe that a hurricane would randomly strike my capital right after I annoy a nation with huge amounts of Air magic. 
I can't help your beliefs, I can only tell you the truth.
Originally Posted by ErikM
Originally Posted by Jorus
However, you can blame me for the Fires from Afar, how are they working out?
Rather annoying. But Lizard Kings have 17hp and Sauromancers 12hp, so as long as it's not likely to kill my commanders there I can tolerate it. The main losers are the highly replaceable Longdead Horsemen with 5hp. And by "highly replaceable" I mean "35 for 10 gems". 
Good then, I hope they all have some good sunburn lotion!