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Old May 24th, 2010, 03:11 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.

A few comments:

I prefer an order3, Mis2 approach. However, on some nations, a
Luck3, turmoil3, death3 (magic3) approach is equally viable.

Specifically, nations that have fortunetellers, or have chosen a fortune teller divinity.

If you build nothing but Fortuneteller (5) units in your capital, you will have %badevent = -100 by the time turn 10 winds around. (Which to my mind is when a lot of bad events get enabled).

I do not recall ever getting a plague event in such circumstances (ie., where the luck + fortuneteller >=100%).

As I recommended in the Mictlan thread, I don't recommend D3 scales for gold so much. I like them it will eventually open up the death path for you by the appearance of necromancers.

The Luck scale has the highest effects on Death and after that on magic. So if you are going to maximize your luck scale, you want to carefully manage these two scales to determine the type and quality of events you will get.
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