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Old May 24th, 2010, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: looking for suggestions on crosspath summons

I decided to the mudcrawler after your suggestion. I tried doing a different sprite, with the worm striking from below (not showing the bottom half since its underground) but it didnt look any good when it moved. Then i tried to make the sprite have 2 parts, like the front of the sprite has the upper worm looking from below, then his body vanishes into the ground and at the end of the sprite the tail is looking from the ground. Both didnt work out when it moved though.
Now its more like a olm or wyrm but its okay. The body could be a bit more massive though.

I found a weapon called Devour, not Swallow (i think). It has AoE 1 (great) and does twice as much damage if the target is smaller. Im combat it did 40-50 damage each if it hit a square with 3 humans in it. Just GREAT.

#newmonster 2107
#spr1 "./new/Mudcrawler1.tga"
#spr2 "./new/Mudcrawler2.tga"
#name "Mudcrawler"
#descr "Kindred to see serpents and olms, these large worms lack wisdom but have superior strength. Diggin from below, they can appear anywhere, devouring potential targets whole, but can as well travel stealthy, expanding their routes underground. They can easily devour smaller creatures whole and are also said to destroy fortifications with ease. Living mostly underground has made their skin tough and only considerable force can even scratch their thick hide."
#hp 86
#size 5
#prot 16
#mor 12
#mr 13
#enc 4
#str 28
#att 16
#def 16
#prec 8
#mapmove 3
#ap 6
#weapon 505
#weapon 322
#startage 80
#maxage 120
#darkvision 75
#stealthy 15
#siegebonus 30

This guy is real fun. I added two spells for him. One is a stock summon that calls one of these beasts into your province for 6 water gems. The other one has higher requirements but its a far summon which calls 3 Crawlers. Its great and it so fits with the units description.
The stealth is good as well. Its one thing when a buddy is hiding 30 satyrs in his army, its another thing when even only 2 of these guys suddendly pop up in combat

Now, what do you think, should it have flying (presenting the sudden tunneling) or not ?
In addition, this guy needs a better name. Anyone ? I would like to credit it to you, so, if you can think up some good name that has a reference to your nick, suggest it !
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