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Old May 25th, 2010, 05:56 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
You wanna test item bonuses on global dispels btw?
Can't say I have any plans to test the global mechanics for a while. IIRC how I tested it last year, shortly after being enlightened to the truth from a talk with Micah, it was something like this.... (not 100% I remember, as it was literally a five minute job)

Two N5 pretenders casting minimum Mother Oaks. First one casting it with a load of boosters (probably +6 from MLich with tree staff, twisty armour, three Misc), then having the second one try to overwrite the global without boosters. The extra 6 levels (so 30 bonus points at 5 per level) from the boosters should have made the global virtually immune to a base level overwrite, but it didn't, and since the random element on the global mechanic is only a drn, I thought it unlikely that a drn roll would have resulted in a 30+ score so often. So I concluded from that brief run-through that Micah was correct when telling me boosters are ignored for global bonus levels.

I suppose a drn roll could have thrown out a load of 30+ returns just to trick me, but for now I'll assume it didn't
Originally Posted by Gregstrom View Post
I think the math bit was a reference to
If you build nothing but Fortuneteller (5) units in your capital, you will have %badevent = -100 by the time turn 10 winds around.
Yep, Greg has it with regards my mattymatics reference. My decaying mental abilities are not yet degraded to a sufficient level where it can't spot that 5x10 is 50 and not 100

Also with regards the Fortune Teller ability, I should add that it does not stack with the Luck scale. ie. If you are getting +39% (+45% CBM) chance of good events from Luck 3, you still need a total of 100 Fortune Teller ability to stop bad events, as I'm pretty certain they are two separate mechanics. At least they appear to be. ie. You can not prevent all bad events by making-up the shortfall from the Luck scale bonus with a Fortune Teller total of 61 (55 CBM).
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