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Old May 27th, 2010, 01:51 AM
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Default Re: Head to head Stories

Only in dominions can you get such fantastically awesome stories.

I love (hate) when one of my sc's gets taken out by a horror. They just beat at each other over and over again until finally one gets fatigued or they get a lucky hit. And all the while my bodyguards are waltzing across the field trying to catch up to the horror. That's why I've started equipping moonblades and commanding arcane bolts.

Oh, and here's another horror story showdown. I was using Kokabel to summon Doom Horrors with wish. I decided that he wasn't making enough progress with recruitment, so I made him cast som ubermindcontrol spell in combat to salvage failed summons. He complied, maxed out his fatigue on the first turn, and was killed. Sheer idiocy on my part. Luckily I had the blood slaves to bring him back.
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