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Old May 27th, 2010, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.

Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
The fortune teller ability has already been proven to stack, and a total of 100 does indeed prevent all bad events from happening (as the attached save file, which I posted ~2 years ago shows).

Posting false information about how specific game mechanics work (without first testing) only serves to confuse new players (and seasoned players for that matter)
It seems from today's independent test that you were right. Thank you for pointing out. I'm sorry but it was said to me by someone among old-timer players, so I assumed that it was true.
By the way, the same test also shown that total Fortuneteller 100 seems to prevent all bad events regardless of Misfortune. (Turm 3, Misf 3 - and only good events for 10-15 turns in several provinces).
Of course, my thesis about Fortuneteller being useful with both Luck and Misfortune still stands.
And, by the way, one current game where I have Misfortune 2 gave me 2 or 3 burned temples and 1 burned lab by the end of year 2. Are those who want to use Order/Misfortune strategy ready for such?
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