Thread: Countdown
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Old May 28th, 2010, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Oh, you can't disappoint me since, as someone who obviously has almost 50% of the required victory points, I would never expect anyone who wasn't doomed, betrayed, or generally disgruntled to side with me since by doing so one virtually ensures themselves not to win. There are, however, lots of reasons to switch sides, above and beyond that which have been given. Plus, the idea that, if I am unsuccessful in my attempts to repel the alliance, that I shall at the very least stack the deck in favor of TNN's loss even though, should he succeed, he shall have a good position on winning.

This being my very first MP game, I've thought that my performance with this only briefly tested build is quite promising, though I am always thinking of ways to tweak it or alternatives. It being an Immortal Pretender Turtling strategy, I have found it quite effective at repelling the Celtic hordes, though I think next time, I should like to have more castles... Of course, if I want more castles, I should just play LA Man...

Of course one should never be pessimistic about ones own strategy... I just need to hold on for 20 turns and then success, and King of the Hill is one of the most challenging victories to pull off.... Therefore, I must reply:

Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!! All shall fall before the Blinding Light of the Grand Empress of the World, Shaula for all the heavens bow before her greatness!
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
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