Re: Countdown - ***Started***
The Tir General Staff assures all assembled that Tir has more than one Spearpoint. We are well aware that we cannot afford to risk ourselves entirely against the Philosophers and leave openings for a stab in the back as others husband their strength.
Our only significant casualties to date have been the result of Arco's two global enchantments. All other nations should be aware of the danger they pose.
Many of you other nations have been waiting, as we were, for others to bear the burden of war to claim the sacred VPs. I say to you now that Tir na n'Og will not bear the entire burden of war with the Philosophers, because we are aware of the larger implications. If we can easily defeat him, we may, but we will never overcommit outside our heartland.
It so happens that Arco's Capitol is located in province 97 on the north bank of the river, between two bridges to the west of the VP lake, if anyone didn't know. It was this discovery, in part that prompted our war. Arcosephale cannot allow anyone close to the VPs because his capitol is there, while we can allow help against him from any quarter, and do not need to hold the VPs.
The Philosophers also mentioned "allies." We ask all free nations to ponder the meaning of this statement. The actions of every nation shall, as Arcosephale gains VP points, reveal much. If Arco is allied with someone, and they hold VPs, can the two combine VPs for the win? I assume not. Declare a joint victory then?
*Also, I will be unable to submit turns from Saturday the 30th until the following Saturday. I have posted for a sub. If anyone knows of a possible sub, please pass this request on.*
"War is a Racket."
Marine Corps Major General Smedly Butler, 1935