Originally Posted by Calahan
and on a personal note, for being the first player ever in my MP career to actually defeat me in a war. Well aware it wasn't the greatest record though, as I hadn't exactly mingled with real players too often by that stage, but still a milestone for me. Knew I had to lose a war in an MP game eventually though, and good to know I lost to the best in the business 
Excellent AAR. One tiny reminder though: I Dom killed your LA Mictlin as Patala in Achean game a few years back. I know it was a long time ago so you probably forgot it. Just a bit of stealth preaching by my markata prophet and you stuck between a Dom 10 Wyrm and a Dom 9 Cyclops. Still, we were at war, I had no one helping me (Overtly just Bogarus Dom pushing you from other side) and you were defeated by my little markata prophet of doom.