Thread: Countdown
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Old May 28th, 2010, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Pablomatic View Post
It so happens that Arco's Capitol is located in province 97 on the north bank of the river, between two bridges to the west of the VP lake, if anyone didn't know. It was this discovery, in part that prompted our war. Arcosephale cannot allow anyone close to the VPs because his capitol is there, while we can allow help against him from any quarter, and do not need to hold the VPs.
...and thus you realize the crux of the problem as I have from the beginning of the game. I had, when the game started, imagined that we would all be spaced a bit further from the VP provinces, but was astounded on my first turn to realize that I would spend the entire game defending the sacred lake... Quite an interesting challenge, no?

My primary goal was to stave of discovery of this little piece of information for as long as possible. I had never imagined it would take 45 turns for that to become general knowledge. ^_^

This game is such fun, so far. I'm sure you won't disappoint me.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
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