Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!] - just 7 spots left
I vote A,A. I'll see if I can get a team-mate.
LA Utgard is not 2 pts worse than MA Utgard - you can everywhere-recruitable communion slaves, you get the same thugs and better equipment on your giants. Admittedly, you don't get *VETTI HAGS*(which are a fantastic bargain.) Lanka is not better LA Mictlan. LA Atlantis and EA Agartha are not *that* bad. Bogarus has advantages in a team game (insanely fast research, good diversity), make it 4 pts. LA Pan can be a real bruiser - make it a 5. LA Ulm has critical weaknesses, make it a 4.
Also, I think you're overweighting the power-level of Hinnom, Niefelheim and Ashdod - especially as they all get nerfed somewhat in CBM. Here I've arranged the nations into 10-pt teams.
EA Niefelheim: 9
MA Ashdod: 9
Ma Agartha: 1
Ea Hinnom: 8
Ma Jotun: 8
Ea Agartha: 2
La Atlantis: 2
Ma Man: 2
Ea Lanka: 7
Ea Fomoria: 7
Ea Mictlan: 7
La Mictlan: 7
La Midgard: 7
Ma Ermor: 7
Ea C'tis: 3
Ea Marverni: 3
La Jomon: 3
La Patala: 3
Ea Caelum: 6
Ea Helhiem: 6
Ea Sauromatia: 6
Ea Vanheim: 6
La Gath: 6
La TC: 6
Ma Pythium: 6
Ma Van: 6
La Bogarus: 4
Ea Ermor: 4
Ea Kailasa: 4
Ea Pan: 4
La Ctis: 4
La Man: 4
La Mari: 4
La Pan: 4
Ma Aby: 4
Ma C'tis: 4
Ma Machaka: 4
Ma Marignon: 4
La Ulm: 4
Ea Aby: 5
Ea Arco: 5
Ea TC: 5
Ea Tir Na Og: 5
Ea Ulm: 5
Ea Yomi: 5
La Aby: 5
La Agartha: 5
La Arco: 5
La Caelum: 5
La Pythium: 5
Ma Arco: 5
Ma Bandar log: 5
Ma Caelum: 5
Ma Eriu: 5
Ma Mictlan: 5
Ma Pan: 5
Ma Shinuyama: 5
Ma T'ien Ch'i: 5
Ma Ulm: 5
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
Last edited by DrPraetorious; May 30th, 2010 at 01:11 PM..
Reason: TYPO