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Old May 30th, 2010, 04:34 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default 1 vs 1 MA mictlan


im looking for some ideas to not suck big time in 1vs1. My last two games was vs one of my friend, he played MA marignon, i did MA mictlan. It was on silent seas, and i managed to get in an unhopeful situation by turn 16 (again). His main army of 100 consisted of crossbowmen, pikeneers and a dozen knights of chalice. I had only 1 extension fort (he had none), and I couldnt defend it: crossbowmen just made sieves of the jaguar warriors and the mercs i bought, and those knights proved practically invulnerable (it was a series of 3 battles).

Nearest mountain (not-1200ish fort) from my capitol was 5 provinces far.

I basically didnt buy any other units, perhaps it would have made a little difference, but im not sure it would have been enough, those shieldwearing guys seem pretty weak against this kind of army. perhaps the naked slingers... but those guys have the tendency to shoot down the jaguars too.

I went for an F9 N4 B4 bless (and O3S3H3M1), his scales were better financially (O3P3G?M1 F4W4S4).

obviously no substantial research could have been carried out.
I bought a lot of priest kings for smiting, and one of them casting fanaticism as prophet.

I chose that bless bc i think its quite good for the eagle warriors (of which i had no time:S).

I have the idea of going with dom10, only jaguars, no new forts, B8F9W9 or something, awful scales, no magic research at all, and rush him straight. I wonder if any other strategies are viable tho.

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