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Old May 30th, 2010, 04:59 PM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: 1 vs 1 MA mictlan

1v1 in a small map definitely favors a heavy bless strategy. so yeah, even with MA Mictlan I'd go for a heavy bless despite Jags being cap only for MA, game should end relatively quickly... however, against a crossbow heavy army I'd say ditch Jags for some Eagles as they can fly right into the crossbowmen and rip them apart. let the Jags in front hold off the Knights of the Chalice and his weakling infantry and you're golden. oh and you might wanna get an additional fort or 2 quickly, as your expenses won't be that bad just recruiting sacreds and mages(Mictlan Priests to start with, not the more expensive fellows) so you can let your cap pump pure Jags and your additional forts support with Eagles.
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